Preparing for online counselling

Online counselling requires that both parties have:

  • Access to a stable and secure internet connection

  • Devices for audio-visual communication, e.g. built in camera and microphone, or headset.

  • A private space with no distractions

I encourage you to feel comfortable and personalise your experience of counselling online. Maybe you would prefer to use earphones with a smartphone to join the meeting. If you have a microphone and camera for your computer, or a laptop integrated with both, setting up at a desk with a comfortable chair is another good option. Before starting the session, you might like to prepare yourself with fresh water or a hot drink. Natural light and fresh air are good conditions for a room, but be careful not to compromise your own confidentiality/privacy.

One of the advantages of online counselling is that you can conduct your sessions in other spaces where you might feel more comfortable instead of your home environment. It may be that you have a private office/workspace, friend, or family member whose environment is accessible and more desirable where you can go to carry out your session.

It is useful if you can arrange to have complete privacy and to not be disturbed for the duration of the counselling session. This might mean making people around you aware that you are unavailable for a short while, and keeping your phone notifications turned off.

How does it work?

1) Fill out a booking form from the 'book a session' page

This form allows me to make contact with you via email, and provides me with some details that are important for me to know before we get started.

You can expect a reply from a few hours up to one working day. I aim to send you a response as soon as possible.

2) Receive a welcome email and tell me when you're available

Included is a copy of the TalkCCT counselling contract which needs to be signed with an electronic signature and returned to me.

Once that is complete, and you make a request from a list of available times to start, everything is in place to begin.

3) Get a link to a private Skype call for our first meeting

Decide on a quiet and private place where you feel comfortable to set up a phone or laptop/computer and join me at the agreed time to start your counselling.

This will include a free 20 minute introduction period where we can establish a first meeting and answer any questions you might have.

Can I meet with you first beforehand?

Sure, visit the contact page and send me a message about an informal introduction first. I am happy to offer the no-obligation, no-fee 20 minute online introduction first before a welcome email is sent out with a counselling contract.

This is a useful option if you want to take your time, compare between different counselling services, and get a general feel for what online counselling with TalkCCT is like.

Alternatively, if you are seeking immediate support with your mental health, and don't want to spend any excess time re-arranging for counselling, simply fill out a booking form to get started.

Computer keyboard greeting with a hello key
Computer keyboard greeting with a hello key


I charge in two ways:

  • £40 for an individual 60 minute counselling session, or;

  • A block of 5 sessions spread over 5 weeks for £150, which works out at £30 per session.

All sessions are payable through electronic transfer or PayPal, and all details regarding cancellations and refunds are covered in the counselling contract. Feel free to get in touch for any questions regarding this.